The scatty sewer

A scatty sewers journey through the world of sewing

It’s gonna be May blog Tour

Its Gonna Be May

This is so exciting to be part of this wonderful Blog tour with Petite Stitchery this is my first blog tour and its been such an amazing experience.

Each day six different bloggers will be showcasing petite stitchery and co patterns, which did I pick??? Obviously it was going to be the sunflower dress as I am a complete hippy dippy chick and this just called to me. Find the pattern here Sunflower dress

So the sunflower dress is one of those you can dress up with a cute pair of heels or dress down with a pair of daps, either way it looks cool. It has three lengths mini (for those who have good legs), Knee length and the maxi version. This pattern is for woven fabrics, like chiffon, cottons, crepe or anything floaty really.

I went a little left field with my choice of fabrics as I had the most amazing Chiffon from Tilly Bee fabrics which I just had to use, but unless everyone would be happy seeing my knickers and bra through it I needed a lining, fair enough a nice bit of white cotton….. do you know how hard it is to get 2 meters of just plain white cotton in the UK delivered next day! Not very easy I can tell you and the delivery charges are just stupid! So I went down to Asda and picked up a plain white double bed sheet for £7, lovely quality it is too.

Now as we all know chiffon is not the easiest fabric to work with, so I would implore anyone wishing to use it to put themselves in a very good and happy mood before they start, because if you start off in a fowl mood you will soon be throwing your beloved fabric scissors at the wall screaming ‘It’s all your fault you pair of *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*’ and your neighbours will be ringing the police with concerns about your mental health, not speaking from experience of course.

So putting myself in a good mood (I watched a couple of episodes of Benidorm, that did the trick) I started to pin and cut the beloved but nightmarish chiffon. Of course its not just the pinning and danger of snagging the material thats the problem, its the slipping, the fraying and the sewing of this ridiculously fragile fabric (oh why did I start this). The good thing about the sunflower pattern is that its very clearly marked and easy to cut around unlike more complicated patterns, which would have made my life so so much harder and it’s only 4 parts to the pattern.

Because I was making a lining to go with the chiffon overdress it made sewing the chiffon that little bit easier, plus the instructions are scatty sewer proof, not an easy thing to do as I quite often just miss whole pages of instructions and have to get the seam ripper out to help me out of my mistake. Sewing it together took no time at all. You can make the dress with a lovely ruffled hem, but Im not a ruffled hem sort of girl…. well sometimes I am but on this dress I just wanted clean lines so I went ruffle-less.

So luckily in the UK this week we were having a bit of a heatwave so I was able to get some lovely shots it was a bit windy in the castle and I did have to dodge the sheep droppings, there aren’t normally sheep in the castle but being Wales… well there are sheep everywhere, I once opened my front door to a sheep and a chicken oh and a cow across the road!

So here’s what I made:

So the bottom half is chiffon only and floats around while my honor is being protected by the underskirt, although on a windy day like today it would have been hard to keep anything from blowing up on that bridge, and even though it was sunny that wind was a little chilly 😵


BTW that’s my cat Puss she’s also my sewing helper, well she runs through my fabric and scrunches it up then runs away again!


Southern Belle Fabrics is running a giveaway here“>giveaway who are sponsoring this blog tour so pop along, you never know you might win and check out their great fabrics here Southern Belle and the amazing sunflower pattern from Petite Stitchery

Please checkout all the other blogs on this amazing sewing blog tour and remember happy scatty sewing 😉❤️❤️

April 22nd:


Kathy’s Kwilts


Diskordia’s Curvy Sewing

Sewing Adventures in the Attick

Sewing Southern Belle

April 23rd:

Margarita on the Ross

Our Play Palace

The Scatty Sewer

Rebel and Malice

My Heart Will Sew On

Sewing With D

April 24th:

Sea of Estrogen

Seams Like Style

That’s Sew Amy

Mahlica Designs

Leslie J’s Sewing Shack

Miss Marah Sewn

April 25th:


Lime Leaves

My Sewing Roots

Tales From a Southern Mom

Jot Designs USA

Seams Sew Lo

The Needle and The Belle

April 26th:

Candi Couture Designs

Momma Sew Savvy

Blooming Skies

Stitched By Jennie

House of Estrela

Sewing Ambi


Laela Jenye pattern trio

I was fortunate enough to be chosen to test all three patterns for Laela Jenye patterns, all on sale right now Get them here now

The cosette top

The Lea swimsuit

The Josephine dress

All brilliantly designed and beautiful. The cosette top is a woven and I used a lightweight cotton which is going to be great in the summer, the sleeves are tulip shaped and a beautiful design detail, but there are lots of different options for sleeves.

The Lea swimsuit can be very sexy if you leave out the front panel, but no one wants to see my saggy old ladies so I used a bit of street hair lace to cover them up a bit. But the fit is absolutely superb on this pattern, I’ve made many swimsuits/ bikinis and some patterns are completely out there with the fit but Marisa got this spot on, everything is being held in well 😉

The Josephine dress in jersey is just absolutely stunning! I mean that! I never make solid coloured clothes, they always have a wacky print, but for the first time in a long time I made a solid coloured dress and I’m so glad I did, it’s beautiful with its drop down back and flirty skirt. This one is coming to Ibiza with me for sure.

So those are my 3 latest makes and what brilliant patterns they were, thank you Marisa and I hope to do more testing for you xx

Happy scatty sewing everyone


Laela Jeyne patterns


Busy busy bee (buzz buzz)

Ive had a couple of busy weeks testing for designers from all over the world. So shall we have a look at what Ive been up too?

Moon Pants by Sinclair patterns

Sinclair patterns

An incredibly versatile pattern, I made the full length version, but you can make the culottes or shorts with options are brilliant, I’m making a pair of culottes for my upcoming trip to ibiza.

Pacific pullover by Greenstyle creations

Greenstyle creations

I love this running top pattern, mainly because the designer has incorporated elements that runners need, like a deep pocket big enough to accommodate my iPhone plus, also the amount of different options in endless, hoods, sleeves, pockets, everything.

Luna Bells by Sew sweet

Sew sweet patterns

Flairs are back and these trousers are a great example of a a good failed trouser, so comfortable to wear, I’ve been wearing them ever since I made them.

Gloria dress and top by 5 out of 4

5 out of 4 patterns

I tested the Jessie pattern for 5oo4 not so long back well I was honoured to test this one too. The Jessie is a top and dress pattern with split sleeves and loads of options. I made the peplum top wit split sleeves and the hi/low dress option with split sleeves which I sewed up in the middle so that the flap wasn’t as big. Great pattern from 5 out of 4 patterns, a favourite of mine already.



And a few more Im still not allowed to show you yet, because we are still testing.

in other news I made a George and ginger Rulo dress for Easter Sunday, which was well received.


and Im joining a blog tour for May so details of that to come….

Remember Happy Scatty sewing xx


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