The scatty sewer

A scatty sewers journey through the world of sewing

New beginnings

I’ve been a little quiet of late and that’s because there has been a multitude of things happening at home.

First we’ve sold our house, yay!

Second I’m in the process of closing my business 🙁

Third my husband and I are buying a restaurant together and moving in above it!!

So testing patterns and sewing in general has been on a bit of a back burner, especially as the World Cup is on as well (I love the World Cup)

I am of course testing one pattern for Ellie and Mac which hopefully will be released soon, it’s lovely and my marathon training is out the window (the heatwave isn’t helping there) but I’m hopeful that soon I’ll get back into some sort of pattern and can get back into my sewing again.

I’ll post as soon as I can

Happy scatty sewing everyone


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